Looking Glasses

This is the list of looking glasses available for the dn42 network. Some only display BGP information, while some others allow interactive queries (traceroute, details of a route, BGP-map visualisation, etc).

When a looking glass is described as IPv4 or IPv6, it refers to the information displayed (or queried) by the looking glass, not to the reachability of the looking glass service itself.

Reachable from the Internet & dn42

Please sort by AS number.

  • AS 64720: http://lg.prauscher.de or http://lg.prauscher.dn42
  • AS 64737 + others: http://sour.is (IPv4 & IPv6) If you would like to submit your own site AS route information contact [email protected].
  • AS 64766: http://ix.ucis.dn42/routes.php or http://ix.ucis.nl/routes.php → interactive (traceroute)
  • AS 76103: http://lg.nixnodes.dn42 or http://lg.nixnodes.net (IPv4) → interactive (traceroute)
    • http://map.nixnodes.net or http://map.nixnodes.dn42 → interactive BGP-graph
  • AS 4242420013: http://dn42.netrik.de/de-fra1/ or → interactive, bgpmap
  • AS 4242420101: http://edge1.core.chaos-darmstadt.de or http://lg.cda.dn42
  • AS 4242420184: http://peerfinder.polynome.dn42 or http://peerfinder.polyno.me : it can be used as a distributed looking glass if you give it a dn42 address.
  • AS 4242420300: http://lg-fr-rbx.wolke7.me or http://lg-fr-rbx.wolke7.dn42
  • AS 4242422222: http://as4242422222.dn42/lg.htm or http://as4242422222.hope.mx/lg.htm
  • AS 4242423905: https://lg.weiti.dn42/ or https://vpn01.weiti.org/ulg/


  • AS 64692: http://zeus.nihilus.dn42/dn42/routes.cgi or http://zeus.nowhere.ws/dn42/routes.cgi (IPv4 & IPv6) → non-interactive (simply displays all known routes)

Reachable only from within dn42

Please sort by AS number.

URL AS Remarks State
http://lg.nordkapp-5.dn42 , 64835 interactive DOWN
http://lg.ffdn.dn42 76142 interactive (traceroute, BGP-map) DOWN
http://mhm.dn42:5001 4242420022 . UP
http://dataviz.polynome.dn42/dn42/lastseen/ 4242420184 non-interactive ("BGP last seen" service: keeps an history of previously announced BGP prefixes) DOWN
http://lg.punkt.dn42 4242420200 interactive (traceroute, BGP-map) DOWN
http://lg.dn42 4242420321 interactive (traceroute, BGP-map) UP
http://lg.jan.dn42 4242420812 interactive (traceroute, BGP-map) UP
http://lg.erg.dn4 4242421092 interactive (traceroute, BGP-map) DOWN
http://lg.tech9computers.dn42 4242421588 interactive (traceroute, BGP-map) UP
http://lg.gotroot.dn42 4242422700   UP
http://lg.gbe.dn42 4242422342 semi-interactive (no traceroute, no ping) UP
http://lg.flo.dn42 4242423955 interactive (traceroute, ping) DOWN

Reachable only from the Internet

Please sort by AS number.

  • AS 65529: http://bgp.freifunk-bielefeld.de/ulg/ulg.py → interactive (BGP-map)
  • AS 4242420123: http://lg.grmml.net → interactive (traceroute, BGP-map)