... ...
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ Please sort by AS number.
21 21
* AS 64835: http://lg.nordkapp-5.dn42 or (IPv4) → interactive
22 22
* AS 76142: http://lg.ffdn.dn42 (IPv4) → interactive (traceroute, BGP-map)
23 23
* AS 76142: http://dataviz.polynome.dn42/dn42/lastseen/ (IPv4) → non-interactive ("BGP last seen" service: keeps an history of previously announced BGP prefixes)
+* AS 4242420123: http://lg.grmml.dn42/ (IPv4 & IPv6) → interactive (ping currently not working)
24 25
* AS 4242422342: http://lg.gbe.dn42 → semi-interactive (no traceroute, no ping)
25 26
26 27
## Reachable only from the Internet